Junior Tournament Resource Page
Kensington Golf Tour- Fun one-day events to get your feet wet in competition, also a great filler and warm-up to next level events.
Meijer/Callaway Junior Golf Tours, The next level of competition. Meijer is a lower level of competition as well as age groups. Callaway is a great local tour for the junior golfer developing competitive skills and preparing for High School State Championships or the next level of competition.
Golfweek Junior Tour- Is a regional tour in the Midwest with stronger competition playing at college venues. A must play for players desiring to compete in college. This is not a starter tour; you should have experienced the other tours first with good performances.
Michigan PGA Junior Championship Strong state level compatition and qualifier for the national championship for the top two from each division. Played at Bedford Valley and Washtenaw Golf Club (a state championship site).
AJGA- Is a national tour with international competition, if you are looking at D1 golf, this is for you. You should have wins or top finishes in the other tournaments before considering playing here.
Golf Association of Michigan and U.S.G.A. qualifiers State and national championship events. this has a long history and has the strongest state level compatition. Juniors with Handicaps are eligible to compete in some of the qualifiers.
Adult Tours include Golfweek Am tour and US Am Tour
As you start your competitive golf journey, your first few events should have low expectations, as you get more familiar with the environment of competition, your scoring will improve. Be patient and keep going. *Parents* The ride home needs to be a safe and quite place, ask if they had fun, not about all the bad shots they hit. Ask about the best shot…. ONLY!
The list above is in order of ability, if you start to dominate a tour series, it is time to move up, keep challenging yourself, If you are the best player in your group all the time, you need a new group.
Use the next level as your Major’s. If you play on Meijer play 2-4 events on GolfWeek. Play in 2-4 majors a year.
Site locations- If High School State Championships are a goal, then you want to play at the venues in the rotation as much as possible. MHSAA.com has the locations posted of your divisions as well as regional sites. Washtenaw GC, Bedford Valley, Forest Acers East and West, The Meadows, Eagle Crest are the most common venues. Learn to love them!
As you become more competitive, travelling and staying overnight closer to the site is ideal. Practice rounds are a must with no scoring, look for good targets, hit more chips, pitches, bunker shots and putts . Use 18 birdies or other GPS tools to scout the course before your practice rounds. Get your game plan ready. Play as close to the event date when available. If the site is more than 90 minutes away, stay in a place close to the site.